The Ascended Class System gives you the freedom, choice, and power to adventure the way you want with characters perfectly suited to your style of play. Choosing a Calling is just the beginning: each opens the door to a range of Telara’s fallen Souls with hundreds of abilities that are yours to combine.
As an Ascended, you can draw on the Souls (and powers) of champions from Telara’s past. These Souls are grouped in Callings based on shared experiences and traits – Primalist, Warrior, Cleric, Mage, and Rogue – yet there is great variety within each Calling. You can play as a spell-slinging Warrior or hack and slash on the front lines as a Mage. You’re encouraged to experiment with each Callings and all of the Callings’ Souls to discover the path that’s right for you!
The Primalist is the first new Calling to emerge in the war for the Planes. Armed with animal spirits, two-handed weapons, and the forces of Fury and Cunning, you’ll walk the line between control and chaos while stalking titanic prey. Unlock the Primalist and master the powers of the Planetouched Wilds!Berserker
Leaving a wake of dead in their path, Berserkers slake their thirst for battle by rending foes in two with cleaving strikes.
Much like the giants of myth, Titans use Fury and Cunning to withstand immense damage and preempt incoming attacks.
Swift as the wind, Dervishes excel in face-to-face combat. They make full use of both Fury and Cunning, swinging effortlessly between powers unlocked at each extreme.
Preservers channel Fae healing magic to nourish allies in need, amassing and expending stored energies to unleash empowered spells one after the next.
The Typhoon uses sweeping attacks to assail entire groups of foes, rotating between Water and Air to build and unleash a wave of devastating attacks.
Vulcanists tap the forces of an erupting Volcano to rain fire upon their foes. Fury is to thank for much of their damage, though Harmony yields advantages, too.
As a Warrior in Telara, you will cleave your way to the heart of battles and turn heads in city squares. Clad with the heaviest armor and weapons in the game, you will excel when fighting toe-to-toe with the forces of chaos, from the lowliest goblin to Regulos, god of Death.Beastmaster
Excelling in a variety of roles, Beastmasters draw power from and inspire allies through a deep bond with their spirit companions.
Fearless berserker and master of AoE DPS, the Champion flies into battle behind great sword and axe.
DPSLiberator (Dream Soul Pack)
With power forged in the Plane of Earth, the Liberator funnels healing magic through magnetic fields to allies in need.
Paladins are tanking juggernauts adept with divine magic that bolsters their allies’ defense.
Among the most skilled masters-of-arms in Telara, the Paragon wields blades with rare precision, grace, and effect.
Terrifying and occult, Reavers combine the art of combat with the energies of death. Their blows can cripple, incite madness, and spread decay.
Riftblades channel elemental energies through their weapons, striking from short and middle distance with bursts of frost and flame.
DPSTempest (Storm Soul Pack)
Tempests are ranged dreadnoughts, unleashing lightning bolts and energy blasts to cut down foes from long distance.
DPSVoid Knight
Void Knights are warded against magic, turning spells back at their casters or consuming them to fuel devastating attacks.
Warlords understand battle at an instinctual level. With powerful command auras, they embolden allies and lay opponents low.
You can be known for quick blades and deadly poisons, or as a master of bow and beasts. You can be known for sabotage, sorcery, and songs of healing and inspiration. Or you can avoid being known at all, living between shadows until the moment is right…
Having mastered the art of subtlety, the Assassin lives and works from the shadows, twin blades poisoned with heart-stopping toxins.
The Bard is a valued group member and capable soloist, healing allies and disheartening foes with codas, cadenzas, fanfares, and anthems.
Beware a Bladedancer’s grace and agility. Behind the mesmerizing acrobatics lie precise and deadly strikes known to flay victims alive.
Combining swift hit-and-run attacks with devastating volleys, the Marksman is a sharpshooter trained to leave fields of dead and crippled foes in his wake.
While many rogues carve out their lives with a sword and dagger, only the Nightblade’s thrum with magic and leave smoldering ash of short-lived foes.
DPSPhysician (Dream Soul Pack)
Trained as alchemical archers, Physicians use ranged abilities to heal and shield friends in need.
Masters of bow, blade, and fearless animal companions, Rangers are at home when roaming the forests and glades of Telara’s untamed places.
A true plane-walker, the Riftstalker shifts between the realms of existence, blinking around the battlefield and shrugging off lethal blows.
Cunning and resourceful, the Saboteur uses all manner of explosives to cripple opponents and control the battlefield from afar.
DPSTactician (Storm Soul Pack)
Natural gadgeteers, Tacticians wield diverse magitech cannons and enchanted engines that heal and aid allies in need.
Mana. Sorcery. Power. Most long to control the energies of the elemental planes, but few have the requisite skill. As a Mage, you will wield devastating spells, otherworldly summons, healing, and – for the melee-inclined – magical sword and scythe.Arbiter (Dream Soul Pack)
The Arbiter is a mage who taunts and torments enemies with storms and brushes off their attacks with shields of ice.
When not hurling volcanic bombs and granite missiles, the Archon is busy siphoning opponents’ strength and vitality, converting it to buffs for self and party.SUPPORT / DPSChloromancer
Calling upon the great forces of nature, Chloromancers can use their powers to lash enemies and mend entire groups.
Masters over mind and will, Dominators terrorize and transform their opponents, leaving them unable or unwilling to act.
No plane is safe from the trained Elementalist, master of the energies (and elemental companions) of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth.
DPSHarbinger (Storm Soul Pack)
Wielding conjured blades and arcane defenses, the Harbinger spells doom for enemies in close combat.
Surrounded by a variety of undead minions, the Necromancer is free to ply twisted magics that siphon life over time.
Fire burns in the eyes of a true Pyromancer, one who’s happiest when hurling fireballs and trapping enemies in walls of flame.
Stormcallers channel the powers of wind and water to freeze, blast, and electrify whole hosts of opponents at once.
Hidden within cloaks of protective shadow, Warlocks consume their enemies’ lives, feeding on stolen breath and blood.
DPSMystic Archer
Elusive and deadly, the Mystic Archer combines the lethal precision of a hunter with the raw power of a mage.
Do you walk the path of the faithful? As a Cleric, you will command powers as varied as Telara’s patron deities, healing grievous injuries, fortifying allies, defiling enemies, or charging with chain and hammer into the front lines of war.Cabalist
Cabalists use ritual and sigil to call forth seeping death and suffocating water. Entire groups have been known to perish in their grasp.
DPSDefiler (Storm Soul Pack)
Defilers afflict their opponents with blights and rot, siphoning life to strengthen themselves and their party.
No other soul rivals the Druid’s connection with the forces of nature – a variety of Fae spirits fight at their sides no matter the odds.
Rites of the occult Inquisitor include the administration of pain, corruption of blood, and deliverance of divine wrath.
Justicars fight, tank, and heal in the vanguard, building conviction that inspires and heals allies with each swing of their hammers.
SUPPORT / TANKOracle (Dream Soul Pack)
These versatile casters can lift entire raids to triumph with a repertoire of powerful boons, shields, heals, buffs, and curses.
The immense powers of Life and Fire flow through Purifiers, healers who specialize in magical shields and wards.
Sentinels excel at healing both individuals and groups, spreading the blessings of light and grace to injured Ascended.
Raw and potent elemental forces power Shamans’ melee attacks, transforming them into mace-wielding dervishes on the front lines of battle.
Calling upon the soothing power of water to heal and fortify allies over time, the Warden is invaluable in prolonged and dangerous fights.