The RIFT team is hard at work on Autumn Harvest, but Brasse roped DeadSimon into a nice fireside (ok, pixelside) chat with you tomorrow!
Tag Archives: DeadSimon
The Seeker – SOLVED!
DeadSimon did not think it could be done, but the Ascended have proven him wrong! The Seeker has been SOLVED on both Live and Prime. Want help finishing yours? Read on!
RIFTstream 05/14: Dev Roundup!
Friday, May 4th: We have SO much to talk about! “The Seeker” challenge, Greenscale’s Blight on Prime, the Holy Grail of BALANCE, Planar Plucker and more…
Silver Tier Event: The Seeker
We can see the future… and we forsee many Ascended searching high and low, all across Mathosia on the trail of free Silver Tier Loyalty. Leaping over hedges, climbing rock faces and peering under wagons for items critical to DeadSimon’s puzzle-making plans.