Dear Community,
When you were in Amaliena’s dimension, you may have seen various little houses, each filled with very interesting items!
Go to the dimension of Amaliena named Amaliena (To find it, go to the Dimensions menu, “Social” button and do a dimension search! Only on EU shards). There you will find a total of 7 small houses, one for each weekday. Take a close look at these houses and their decorations and find the right house with the right item to see a screenshot of it with your character and name on the screenshot.
You have until the end of the day at 11:59 p.m. CET to post your answer along with your character and server name in this discussion thread.
Please note that only contributions that contain the correct screenshot will be considered and only contributions that were published on the same day before 11:59 p.m. CET.
The first to publish the correct answer in a valid post will receive a special reward. And that counts for the first of each day.
And those who attend all 7 days of the week and have valid posts with the correct answers will also be rewarded!
You can find the Item and House of the Day every day in response to this discussion thread!
Post your screenshot, which you take each day before 11:59 p.m. CET, on this thread so you can win some great rewards!
Conditions of participation:
- The general rules apply to this event.
- Only one participation per forum and account is possible.
- You have to enter your char name, your server and your screenshot, in the right house with the right item, your char and its name in the participation mail.
- Your screenshot may not be edited / revised.
- The deadline for participating in the event ends before 11:59 p.m. CET each day.
- The decisions of the team members are final.
Have fun in Rift!
Good luck!
The Rift team