After being hunted and killed by the ascended for so long, the critters of Telara are getting very angry!
But things are about to change now, they have found their revengers!
The World Raid Bosses Alisich und Eki’i are here to help! They are not only huge in size, but also very strong!
You will only be able to defeat them, if you work together!
For now, it is only the two of them, but don’t feel safe! Those two have more friends they will call for help in the future!
Start your training, in order for you to be prepared for when the invasion comes!
Are you on your way yet?
Stick together and defeat those mean revengers!
Here is an overview of today’s patch:
• The new Raid World Bosses are here! >>>Get more information in the FAQ<<<
Bug Fixes:
• Fixed a bug where some damage reducing abilities would not be consumed on damage.
• Fixed a bug where under certain circumstances the Rift client would crash when hovering over certain Buffs/Debuffs.
Thank you for your patience.
Happy gaming!
Best wishes,
your Rift team.