Welcome Home
Builders Beware: there is no limit on your creativity or potential when it comes to creating personal houses or entire worlds to share with friends. Read on to learn more about Cornerstones and Club Worlds, and check out some of our favorite past creations at the Community Blog!

Cornerstones are personal homes – a place to kick back, relax, and call your own – but they’re also mobile bases! You can place your Cornerstone at specially-marked Cornerstone plots in any world you’re visiting, and voila: your hand-crafted home-away-from-home will appear, giving you a place to restock and refuel on the go.
Club Worlds
What’s better than crafting alone? Building block-by-block with your Trovian friends! Club Worlds are fully buildable and expandable worlds open to everyone in your Club. Feel like crafting enormous geodesic domes in the desert? Magnificent castles in an enchanted forest? No problem! With a whole team of potential builders, any idea is within reach!