Dear Trovians,
For several weeks, some of you have had the pleasure of testing a brand new system in Trove – the Paragon system – on our PTS!
Others rushed to quickly reach max level with all the character classes available …
And you, what did you do? Have you prepared for the big things that the update brings us – Polished Paragon?
Have you reached max level with all available character classes and are constantly trying to level up your character to challenge the toughest monsters in Trove?
Did you think you had reached the end of your character’s levels? Well no, it’s not over! Get ready to gather a lot of experience to climb the Paragon levels with EVERY character class you have to get even more mastery, new mounts, allies, and rings with hidden effects! Check out our little video guide.
For all those who have not yet reached level 30, we are activating a Double EXP event on PC – take full advantage of this new Paragon system >>> HERE <<<.
This update brings even more new features! Among many other things, you will be able to discover new features in Bomber Royale, some bug fixes but also new items in our in-game store >>> HERE <<<.
Find out all the secrets of this update – Polished Paragon – in our detailed patch notes >>> HERE <<<.
Go on an adventure in Trove and have fun!
Best wishes,
Your Trove Team!