Cubic Creations – January 2015


One of the core elements of Trove is giving players means to express their creativity with player-designed items, dungeons, Cornerstones, and Club Worlds. And one of our favorite parts of the month is choosing your most mind-boggling creations to show off in our Wonders of Trove series.

Here’s a look at our picks for January!

Trovian Maestro – Music blocks are incredibly popular in a lot of Club Worlds, but the Trovian Maestros take it to a whole new level. Travel via a variety of Mag Rider lines to areas devoted to your favorite block-based composer, then sample some of the finest sounds in Trove. Looking for videos of their work? Start here!

Defiant Few – Hailing from a sci-fi dystopia, the Defiant Few pay homage to their roots with a recreation of the Gateway Arch. Looking for a more active attraction? They’ve built a glider course already and are just waiting on Wings to try it out!

The Trovians – In this varied Club World, Neoclassical temples give way to robotic statues and futuristic walkways. The Trovians draw from many inspirations, but the end results are both harmonious and impressive!

Piñata Poppers – The Piñata poppers are devoted to leisure in all its forms, whether it’s a friendly game of billiards or bounding about (at 5,000 kph) in a custom bounce house. For bonus points, try engaging in their eponymous activity while being flung in the air!

TDUK – TDUK’s Club World has a bit of everything, from melodious music blocks to imposing edifices. The key to making such a diverse display of differences doable is all in the execution, and TDUK certainly execute their building well.

A Shattered Dimension – Sometimes it’s the overall theme of a Club World that gets it on our list for Wonders of Trove. Other times it’s the beautiful and nuanced detail. In this case, it’s the metric ton of skeletons lined up and ready to receive marching orders. With battalions of undead on your side, what more do you need?

Adept Assassins – The Adept Assassins’ Club World kills it in the looks department: it’s eerie, beautiful, and filled with a sense of magic. For best viewing, we heartily recommend visiting it at night, although with a name like theirs, you may be jumping at every shadow!

Of course, Trove’s wonders aren’t limited to these particular worlds, and almost every world you visit will have their own unique creations. We can’t wait to see what wonders we discover next month!